We lost our "Little Missy" (Kyra) on June 14, 2006. She had lost a considerable
amount of weight and no treatment was working. We believe that she had leukemia due to the drastic weight loss in such
a short time frame. We will miss her dearly. She was our first little girl and the inspiration to start our Haven.
Kyra-Janurary 22, 2002 to June 14, 2006. A darling animals life cut way to short.
Jax (Fatboy) trying to climb up chair.
We lost Jax in February of 2006. He lived to be 8 years old. He was one of the most "laid back" ferrets we
have ever had.
Kyra playing in a plastic bag.
The three bandits trying to wake up.
The three bandits have awoken to wreak havoc.
Kyra and Jax outside playing.
Bath time for the bandits
Kyra playing in a box of peanuts.
Kyra and Buddy taking a nap.
Jax calling it a day.